Word of the Day- April 29, 2019

Here’s another word to enrich your vocabulary. This word was contributed by Nikunj Narang of class 5C.

Off late, the children of C have started contributing new words for the Word Wall of our class. Some children who have done this are Aanya Dhawan, Atharv Nag, Poorvi Sarda, Trinabh Mehra among others.

The class gives me the word. But for it to be put up on the Word Wall, they need to be able to tell the meaning as well.

We now have a flourishing Word Wall with many new words. Try the same in your class. Contribute words you have read or heard for your classmates to learn. Let’s call it the “Present: A Word Activity“. Get the pun there?

By the way, does the pizza remind you of a previous word uploaded on the blog? It starts with the letter ‘D’. Do define it as well in the comments below.

Keep learning, keep growing!

26 thoughts on “Word of the Day- April 29, 2019

  1. Dear Ma’am Tarana,
    Thank you for the word.
    Here is my sentence –
    Many hours of play made me feel ravenous so I wanted delectable food but I got a glass of milk instead!
    Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear ma’am tarana
    My sentence is- After coming back from office, my father was ravenous as he did not eat his lunch.
    Tanay Dutta
    V B

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dear maam Tarana ,
    Maam it is so sweet of you for sending words to improve our vocabulary. My sentence with the word ranvenous is Rahul was feeling ranvenous after long time as he started doing yoga to impress god.
    Darvesh 5-C


  4. Dear Mam Tarana,
    Thank you for posting this word.
    Some synonyms are famished, delicious.
    Sam was ravenous after toiling in the fields all day long.
    Arshia Kashyap

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Ma’am Tarana
    I have fever ,but still I was waiting for the word of the day. When I didn’t read the meaning of the word, it felt me like the meaning must be very spooky. It sounded like a magical spell. Ma’am it too reminded me of the word “delicious” as you sended it on the blog as well as it was in the April vocabulary.
    Sentence – I am always very ravenous when I miss an opportunity of having a full cheesy pizza with a lot of topping.


    1. Gangesh, get well soon! Everyone missed you in class today.
      An interesting visual you have there!
      And sweety, you don’t need to add ‘very’ before ‘ravenous’ because the word itself means ‘very hungry’.
      Take care!


      1. Thank you Ma’am for your care
        I also missed the class today.
        I will make sure that in future I will not write “very” before the word “ravenous”.
        Thank You

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear ma’am Tarana,
    there is another synonym for ravenous it is famished, starving. I will surely use it in class. Please thank your class from my side.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Dear ma’am Tarana

    The word pizza reminded me of the word ‘delicious’. I think you had uploaded it in one of your earlier blog posts.

    Here is my sentence – I had skipped my mid-day meal at school and so I was ravenous when I came back home.



  8. Dear maam Tarana,
    It’s really a foster word.
    Here is my real life experience with this word —- Maam after doing my homework I became ravenous for your daily blog post.
    Thanks ma’am
    Videh Jain
    V B

    Liked by 1 person

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