Tenderquill: A Blog by a Nine Year Old Plus India’s Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day, everyone!

Before we get into this blog post, here’s the inspiration I was talking about in my last blog post. Click here to read the last blog.

I teach grade 4 and 5 students. Today India is celebrating its Independence Day. We generally discuss about what freedom truly means to them.

They do come up with very good responses. But here I wanted to talk a bit more about what freedom can mean.

Freedom sometimes also means freedom from what we think we are capable of. It means being able to break mental wall after mental wall and walk in the direction of our dreams!

I had been thinking for a while about ushering my students into blogging but wasn’t too sure about it due to their tender age. But that was until I came across Nitara’s blog and remembered what my ex- student from the “Literary Club” had been doing last year.

So here’s a bit more about these blogs.

The first one is by a nine year old girl named Nitara. She is of Indian origin but lives in USA. Her blog is called “Tenderquill“. Her work is amazing. Do visit it.

The second blog is by my ex- student. She is in grade 6 now, which means she started blogging at the same age as my students! Her blog is called “My Daily Life“. Do visit it. I used to visit her blog to read her wonderful poetry, some of which I even sent for publishing.

So many of my students write so well and are engaged in such interesting after school activities, visit such amazing places and are full of energy and enthusiasm. I think they too can take inspiration from both these blogs. These blogs also give us an idea of what young children can do at their age on a blog.

So to all the writers out there, all the dreamers, this is your platform to share your story with the world! Why don’t you create a blog of your own?

Here how to go about it:

  1. Create a blog on WordPress. Click here to know the steps.
  2. Write whatever you do first in Microsoft Word.
  3. Before posting revise, edit and uplevel your work. You can even take help from your parents until you are confident about doing this yourself (just like that student from my school does).

This Independence Day, may you soar high like a free bird on the wings of imagination!

Keep learning! Keep growing!

36 thoughts on “Tenderquill: A Blog by a Nine Year Old Plus India’s Independence Day!

  1. Dear ma’am Tarana ,
    Please send my thanks to the students who inspired us to start our new blog. I will surely create my own blog very soon.

    Jayita Nangia

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear ma’am Tarana
    I am trying to make my own blog and I want to name it the words of wonder
    Happy Independence day ma’am
    Thnx and Regards
    Jiya 4b

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks mam . I will surely try to make my own blog. . . I am having account on wordpress . And every time I am using my own account to comment. . But I am not trying for a blog.

    Liked by 2 people

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